Frequently asked questions

We believe that quality food must be available for everybody. Food security is a human right. We fight for food security by inspiration and sharing; one recipe story at a time. We fight hunger with inspiration, bonding, cooking and eating. The proceeds of each recipe story transaction are shared to eliminate hunger.

An inspiring story about humanity and food. Like a little food bedtime story.

Just drop us a story and we’ll contact you.

Are the different ways which you can get a recipe story on your plate. If you want the recipe and go out for the ingredients yourself, you are all set because recipe and ingredients are free. We would like you to leave a tip :) If you do not want to go shopping you can have ingredients brought to your home by participating retailers. If you do not want to cook, you just order the ready to (h)eat version of a recipe story.

Select your convenience level and click.

With the engagement fee you fight with us to eliminate hunger. Each fee is shared with a hunger elimination project. See our list of projects here:


To moment we work within Amsterdam area.

Can’t find your answer in the FAQ? Contact us directly.